Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Musollah At Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

Ng Teng Fong General Hospital is located along Jurong East Street 21 and, together with Jurong Community Hospital, are managed by JurongHealth. Both are designed and built as an integrated development.

It is indeed helpful when hospitals designate a space for us, Muslims, to carry out our obligations while working or while visiting. Heartfelt gratitude to the management for this consideration.

Bro Mas Andi Syah has recently shared with the fb group on the location of the musollah located in the hospital. According to Bro Mas, the musollah is located on the 4th floor. Here are some of the photos which he provided.

The entrance from the lift lobby at Tower B going to the ICU/High Dependancy wards

The 'Quiet Room' is near the Visitor Lounge 1.

The musollah. Inside you can find sejadah and telekungs.

Qiblat direction.
.Thank you sis Mas Andy Shah for sharing this and permitting me to include it into this blog

Latest update, 

Bro Arshad has commented that the Quiet Room is not accessible to public. In other words, only visitors to the hospitals may have access.

Like most hospitals, visitors are required to be registered and registration requires the name of the patient in the hospital. Visitors might fall into one of these category.
1) Ward/ICU Visitors. 
2) Accompanying Outpatients.
3) Accompanying Day Surgery Patients.

Visitors to the Musollah will need to register with patient particulars to gain access to the Musholla (Quiet Room) located within the ward/ICU area. 

Thank you bro Arshad for his contribution. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------29 Sep 2016------------------------
I have just received an update from Cikgu Yana, 

According to her, that room is locked and only accessible for grieving family members of a dying patient.

Thank you Cikgu Yana for sharing this info.

--------------------------------------------------------------------1st January 2019------------------------
I received feedback from one of our readers that the Quiet Room is no longer available. He/she also suggested that utilize the nearest Musollah at IMM L4. 

If any latest update, do let us know.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Musollah At Sakura International Buffet@Clementi Woods

Sakura International Buffet is one of the local favourite venue for buffet meals. I have learned that their outlet at Clementi Woods has a surau prepared for their Muslim customers.

Sis Suharti Ismail posted on the fb group on this Musollah.

According to sis Suharti, this Surau was designated and prepared for their muslim customers after a recent revamp. And you can see from the picture, praying mats, telekung and even chairs are made available.

Thank you sis Suharti for sharing this and permitting me to include it into this blog.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Musollah At Universal Studios Singapore (USS)

One of the favourite tourist spot is Sentosa. An island, formerly known as 'Pulau Blakang Mati' or 'Island Behind The Dead' until 1972, this island holds one of the world's best integrated resort.

One of the attractions is the Universal Studios Singapore (USS). I have been to the USS more than a couple of times and I never knew that there is a musollah in the area until recently, I came across a posting by sister Hany Aida Haszley on the fb page.

Thank you sister Hany for that. The photo below was from sister Hany.

As I researched further, I came across a blog managed by Resorts World Sentosa. That blog gave provided greater clarity in terms of direction.
 Thank you Resorts World Sentosa for providing a place for us to fulfill our daily obligations.

For more information on the RWS blog, click here

Musollah At IMM Building

IMM Buidling is well known for its shopping variety, especially for homeowners. Located at 2 Juring East Street 21, the choices for interior designers, furnitures and appliances are wide and we may take quite a bit of time to make those purchases.

IMM management has prepared a Musollah or prayer room for Muslim shoppers.

The Musollah is locate at level 4 and there are dedicated place for Muslimin (gentlemen) and Muslimah (ladies). There is also dedicated room where ablution can be taken and it is located next to the general toilets.

To get to this room, we will need to take the elevator at Lobby A on the ground floor.

Brother Syamil Radster shared these photos on the fb page.

Syukran to brother Syamil Radster for these photos.

The following photos were shared by sister Nor Hayati on fb. Do take note of the IMM staff canteen. If you can find that, you won't miss the Musollah.

Syukran to sister Nor Hayati as well. Pictures definitely speaks a thousand words.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Musollah At IKEA Alexandra

In this post, we will be looking at a Mussollah located at IKEA Alexandra.

IKEA Alexandra is located at 317 Alexandrea Road.

IKEA, in my opinion, might be one of the best place to shop or even to work. Why? They have two outlets and both their outlets has a small place set aside for a Musollah.

My heartfelt gratitude to IKEA for making this happen.

This was shared on facebook originally by sister Faridah Mohd Salleh Marican and it was reshared by sister Siti Khadijah Amyrah on the facebook group.

These are the photos by sister Faridah,

As you can see from the pictures, there's everything that we need (and more). There's a dedicated ablution area, there's Qur'an  and also fragrance on site, in addition to the sejadah or prayer mats. Not to mention, this place is air-conditioned.

Where is this musollah located? It is at B1 near the loading/unloading bay.

Below is a collection of photos shared by brother Hazlizam Fuad O'Mahat Hassan on the fb page. Syukran to brother Hazlizam for giving us a good view of the place.

So do not forget to share this post or better yet, this blog to everyone you know.

Musollah At LifeLong Learning Institute (Paya Lebar)

Lifelong Learning Institute is located in Paya Lebar area, just a short walking distance from Paya Lebar MRT Station. Specifically its address is 11 Eunos Road 8. It is lauched by Workplace Development Agency or WDA in 2013.

It is an institution made up of several training partners that facilitates the skills upgrading of every adult learner. As a WSQ Trainer myself, I think this building is awesome. It is centrally located and able to serve the needs of adult learners from the east and north.

It is even more awesome that there is two new musollah in that building, one for Muslimin(gents) and one for Muslimah (ladies). May Allah's blessing be upon those involved in making this possible and available.

This is shared by brother Suhaimi Salleh, CEO of SSA Consulting, on the facebook page.

Let's start with the Musollah for Muslimin.

Musollah For Muslimin (Gentlemen)

According to brother Suhaimi Salleh, the Musollah for Muslimin is located next to the Goods Lift, Basement 1 (Lift Lobby B). In his post, he also mentioned that an ablution area is also provided near the Loading & Unloading Bay.

Here are the pics he shared;

Musollah For Muslimah (Ladies)

According to brother Suhaimi, the mussollah or Prayer area for Muslimah is located at Level 2 (Lift Lobby B). 

The directions which he kindly provided as follows;

1. Exit the passenger lift, you will pass a feature wall on the left (see photo below), the entrance to a lecture theatre and then you will see a door leading to "Stair 2". We received feedbacks from readers that it's supposed to be staircase 2, not 3.

2. Enter that door and you'll see another door. The 2nd door will lead to the landing where the prayer area is. 

Ablution can be taken at the female toilet nearby. A special nozzle is provided under a sink for washing the feet.

Prayer attire for Muslimah and sejadah (prayer mats) are provided.

Thanks again to brother Suhaimi Salleh for sharing this information.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Musollah At Northpoint

This is shared by sister Ai Sha on the facebook page.

This musollah is located at level 4 Kids@Play.

Below is a photo shared by sis Ai Sha. As for how to get to the musollah, simply follow the description below.

This is a makeshift musollah and sejadah is provided on site.

Musollah At Changi General Hospital

Sister Sumianthi Manis shared the location of a musollah at Changi General Hospital.

Below are some of the photos she took.

According to sister Sumianthi, the musollah is opposite the Kopitiam and near the Mr Bean outlet.

She also shared that prayer mats and telekungs are available for use.

Also, there are two chairs on site for those who needs chairs for their prayers.

Musollah At ITE College Central

Dinie Aizat, currently a student at ITE College Central. He is kind enough to share the locations of Musollahs at this institution. Below are some of the photos taken by Dinie.

According to Dinie, the mussollahs can be found at the following areas.
1. Level 1 of Block H
2. Carpark of Block E.

Thank you Dinie for this information.

Updated on 26/10/15 from Dinie,

Here is a picture which Dinie provided moments ago. It's a picture of the Musollah at Block H.

Syukran, bro Dinie for his effort. May he be rewarded in this life and in the Hereafter. Ameen.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Musollah At Cafeela

Jalan Kayu is well known for being the prata place of Singapore. Next to the open space carpark, is a restaurant known as Thohirah Cafeela.

A very good news to all the Muslims who frequents that place or area as sister Salina Samion has shared on facebook that there is a Musollah located on the second floor of Cafeela Restaurant. Below is a picture taken by sister Salina.

The entrance of this Musollah is by the staircase with the metal gate, just walk up and you will reach the place.

Prayer mats and telekung are provided on site.

First Post - This Is A Resource Site For Mussollahs in Singapore

Assalamualaikum everyone.

Hope you are having a fantastic day.

First and foremost, thank you for dropping by this blog. Well, this is not really intended to be a blog. It is more of a resource site instead.

When I first came across a Mosques & Mussollahs In Singapore facebook page, I was thrilled. There were so many helpful sharings to help us Muslims find a place to perform our obligations.

It was not until a few months later when I realised that there was no way for users to filter those information. Let's say that I need to find a musollah at IMM for example, it can be quite a challenge as there is no way to filter those information.

One way to solve that was to utilize hash tags but then again, we tend to forget or some may not know how to use hashtags.

So, I decided to create this blog to solve that problem. Most of these resources are not my own. It was shared by the members of the Mosques & Mussollahs In Singapore facebook group. I'm just sharing them on this blog and provided the necessary labels so that it is easier (and quicker) for users to find their needed musollah location.

If you found any new mussollah location, pls go ahead and share it on Mosques & Mussollahs In Singapore facebook group. From there, I will update this site and hopefully, we be rewarded for our efforts to help our fellow Muslims

Why You Will Need To Use This Website?
This website is designed to be very simple to use. I have no intention to use an complicated design or programming. I just have two things in mind when I decided to create this resource site;

  1. simple to use
  2. quick to load on smartphone

Every post has a few labels. All you need to do is to click on those labels at the top right hand of the blog and you will get to those location. In short, this site will do the filter for you. I will be making changes as I go along.

How Updated Are These Information?
Inshaa Allah, I will get these information updated at least once a week. If you do see some outdated info, please leave me a comment and I will make the necessary amendments immediately so that it can continue to benefit everyone.

If you feel that you are the original owner of any of those photos and you do not want it on this blog, do feel free to write to me on the comment page. I will remove the photo as soon as possible. All those photos are taken with permission and with the necessary references.

My Request.
I have a couple of request from you, if you can help.

  1. share this website with your contacts. I am not a marketing person. I don't even know how to sell water to a thirsty person. I just want this site to help every Muslim in Singapore. May you be rewarded for sharing this site. 
  2.  I am just human. If you see any mistakes in terms of data or use of language, I do beg your pardon. Feel free to bring it up to me.
  3. This website is not meant to compete with other information providers, but more to complement them/
That's all for my first post. If you have any thoughts on this, I look forward to hearing from you.